
Rainy Day Fashion at Radnor Hunt Fashion

The weather folks predicted a WASHOUT of the The Radnor Hunt Races as it celebrated its 86th Anniversary on Saturday, May 21, 2016. But alas they were wrong again, but sadly it keep the crowds down for the the spring tradition of steeplechasing at the Radnor Hunt. The spirit of the crowds were not dampened as thousands still showed up to watch the six exciting races which featured horses galloping over hurdles and timber fences for purses totaling $180,000. Attendees enjoyed tailgate picnics with friends and family while helping to win the race for open space. All proceeds from the Radnor Hunt Races benefit the land and water preservation programs of the Brandywine Conservancy in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania. Since the weather service, I’m looking at you, and accuweather as well as well you know who you are, predicted up to an inch of rain all day long, I was really curious to see what people were going to wear, lots of boots, which I was excited about because fair weather does not bring the boots out; folks wore hat’s too, some women wore the traditional Lilly Pulitzer dresses, and I did spot a guy or two in seer sucker suit, but I saw many more in jeans and shorts, something that isn’t always that common at the Races, which I’ve been attending to for the past 7 years. Let’s take a look.

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Thanks to all the people who invited moi to stop by their tent for food and merriment, especially The Bellevue and the Academy of Music Young Friends who hosted the YF’s at the Radnor Hunt. It was a great turnout despite the weather. Spotted at the soiree was Lynsie Solomon, chair of the YF of the Academy of Music, twinsies Danielle and Alexander Hankin, Ian M Crumm and gal about town Hannah Krupa,, beauty to the stars Stacey Kracher and her handsome Brendan Morrison, Eric Allan Smith, who is just about to move into a Frank Lloyd Wright home, I look forward to that house warming party, plus Martin Ihrig. Thanks to Capital Grille Philly for the delicious food, and spirits.

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These two long time friends, are up to no good – LOL

Click on the first photo to start the slideshow, someday I will learn how to do the slideshow. (I’ve only been on WordPress for a month.) PS someday I will also figure out how people can read what I wrote in the “slideshow” photos. But I must move on to my other columns, zoink.